About the Blogger

This blog belongs to a 17 year old girl living in the United States. She has many self-diagnosed problems that send her into tailspins quite often. This includes clinical lycanthropy, depression, possible bipolar, mild sociophobia and severe driving anxiety. Despite her friends, she feels alone. She hates things about herself, yes, but this is why she started the blog. She felt as if she could better express herself through the Internet and being anonymous. This is all she wants you to know about herself in general as to stay anonymous to her friends who may run across this blog. Please understand. If you recognize her, please don't say anything. This is her only possible outlet. She has kept your secrets...please just keep this one.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Saving Little Lives 3/4/2013

A lot of crap has gone down since we last talked. For instance, we have a mouse or two in the house. The problem is (besides the mice) is my father is trying to kill them with snapping traps. How dare he show such blatant disregard for life. This is why the world is in such the state its in now. Because people refuse to respect the lives of other creatures who have little to no difference from us, we can simply go out and kill in other countries. He even lied to me, for the first time in years, about the traps. He lied and said there were two and there were four set up in reality. To replace them I have HavaHeart mouse-sized traps to set out. I did. Within 15 minutes of setting it up I had one. In your face. I then went around the house with a pencil setting off all the snap-traps he placed and threw them away. Serves you right. You won' care about another living, breathing creature and I won't care about your stupid traps.

This brings me to another point. What makes their lives so much more worthless than ours? Because they haven't built a civilization? Because they don't talk? Is that IT? In my mind I believe that every single animal deserves the right to another breath on the Earth. No matter how small or large they are, they should also have the God given rights man claims only they have for freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. To finish off the rant I gotta deal out the facts. People who are more willing or like to hurt/kill animals are more likely to hurt humans for their own entertainment. I have three links for this. Pet-Abuse.com, Peta.org (I usually hate these little bitches but they have the facts this time), and Canadians for Animal Welfare Reform. And I know this post is early but I'm fully expecting to get grounded for setting off the remaining traps he'll set. I don't care. The score stands at ME-1 and HIM-0.

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