WELL! On another strange note I saw something weird today. We had to get gas before shopping so we were at the station, facing the sidewalk when this dude in a crappy white tank and blue jeans staggers past. Like, one of those stereotypical beer drinker shirts but he didn't have the belly. THAT is not the weird part. Even his fantastic Hitler stache wasn't the weird part. Gripped tightly in his right hand was a thin white pipe about 5 feet in length. In his left hand was a half-gone water bottle. He was holding them with his elbow bent and his upper arm tight on his sides. He just walked past in front of the station in a straight line, pale as a ghost and holding these items in his hands. He dissappeared and when we left 5 minutes later, we saw him waaay down the street. CREEPY RIGHT?
This is the true me on these pages. I've always loved sunflowers but...never thought of them as anything but flowers. They are tall, beautiful and proud. That's everything I'm desperately trying to be. So maybe, just maybe, I can be like them someday. Even though I know everything will be ok...I can't help but doubt everything sometimes. That is what makes life interesting I guess.
About the Blogger
This blog belongs to a 17 year old girl living in the United States. She has many self-diagnosed problems that send her into tailspins quite often. This includes clinical lycanthropy, depression, possible bipolar, mild sociophobia and severe driving anxiety. Despite her friends, she feels alone. She hates things about herself, yes, but this is why she started the blog. She felt as if she could better express herself through the Internet and being anonymous. This is all she wants you to know about herself in general as to stay anonymous to her friends who may run across this blog. Please understand. If you recognize her, please don't say anything. This is her only possible outlet. She has kept your secrets...please just keep this one.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Why Him...? 7/31/2012
WELL! On another strange note I saw something weird today. We had to get gas before shopping so we were at the station, facing the sidewalk when this dude in a crappy white tank and blue jeans staggers past. Like, one of those stereotypical beer drinker shirts but he didn't have the belly. THAT is not the weird part. Even his fantastic Hitler stache wasn't the weird part. Gripped tightly in his right hand was a thin white pipe about 5 feet in length. In his left hand was a half-gone water bottle. He was holding them with his elbow bent and his upper arm tight on his sides. He just walked past in front of the station in a straight line, pale as a ghost and holding these items in his hands. He dissappeared and when we left 5 minutes later, we saw him waaay down the street. CREEPY RIGHT?
Monday, July 30, 2012
Signed up for the CON! 7/30/2012
Today I did the scheduling for my classes. Everything is mostly basics but I am taking Japanese, Web Design and my dad signed me up for Entrepreneurship which i honestly don't want to do. I'll have to tell him sooner than later I guess. Otherwise the day was fine. Got up, played Minecraft, ate dinner and here I am after watching 20 minutes of Pawn Stars writing to everyone out there! Well, I'm really tired. Night!
Sunday, July 29, 2012
NOTHING Happened Today 7/29/2012
Stealing a Car (JK GUYS!) 7/28/2012
Friday, July 27, 2012
Guests...? Y U NO LEAVE 7/27/2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Co-sign...with Jesus? 7/25/2012
Today I got scared. Like, really scared. and I still am. My dad says because of my grades i may not be able to go to the school we all agreed on because I missed the first six weeks of the school year. I had a tumor and major surgery and missed those weeks for recovery. Then I got back and everyone expected me to fall right into place. I was completely lost and my grades really suffered. I hope I can go to this school. If I can't...I don't know what I'll do...I may end up resorting to something bad and big but I hope not. I am slowly losing my reasons to hold on...
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
So...You ALL Drink? 7/24/2012
Today, I told one of my good friends I am not going to the same high school this next school year. She took it remarkable better than I expected and said as long as we hang out we'll be fine. I thought she would be totally broken but maybe I was underestimating her. She was hurt but not destroyed...right now I'm telling another friend. I'll try to tell everyone separately if possible but I can't get to everyone. Well, wish me luck.
On another note, I'd like to take a second to comment on the Colorado massacre. I feel SO sorry for the families effected by the single insane shooter. That man should, honestly, get a special ring in H***. No-one should have to suffer like this. To the boyfriend who covered his girlfriend and died in the shooting and helped her survive...YOU ARE AN BEAUTIFUL PERSON. To the girlfriend, you chose right. I hope I get a boyfriend as amazing as that someday. To all the child victims, I wish you had more time. Please, families of victims and survivors, stay strong. Stay strong for everyone around you. You effect more people than yourself. You are ALL in my prayers.
Monday, July 23, 2012
Been So Long... 7/23/2012
Then, yesterday, me and my family had a falling out in deciding what sort of schooling I'll be doing. We fought, me and my dad had a really bad argument, nobody listened to anybody else and three out of four of us went to bed crying. Not a very productive "conversation" as my mother so lovingly called it. That was a verbal brawl. Today we all seemed to make up with each other and we found a schooling solution. It's a cool thing, really. Its a six hour a day solution that is semi-online and semi-in class. The only bad part is this means I have to tell all my friends I won't go to the other high school next year. It's going to kill everyone...I hope they'll be ok without me...
Thursday, July 19, 2012
NOT Looking Forward to Saturday Night 7/19/2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
New Artist~! 7/18/2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
I'M NO RACIST 7/16/2012
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Why me...? 7/15/2012
Friday, July 13, 2012
Oh, no! 7/13/2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Just Realized... 7/12/2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Writing More/Theme Park on Saturday 7/11/2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Another post XD 7/10/2012
Monday, July 9, 2012
A Good Day 7/9/2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Finally Here 7/10/2012
Well, I'm writing as an outlet. I feel like I'll explode if I don't tell everything I worry about to someone. I take care of my friends...I just wish I took care of myself a bit more. For now, only one or two things at a time. The blog is semi-regular now and I hope that someday I'll get a follower to watch my write and relate to my conflicts. I hope that someday I'll be more than just a sunflower. I hope to be someone's beautiful sunflower that makes them smile. I hope to wear a lovely ring on my left hand someday. I hope I find love. I hope I live. I hope I find forever in the eyes of true believers. I hope to find the true Truth.